Best Hot Tubs is pleased to once again share our blog page with guest blogger Danielle Adams — a freelance writer with expertise in the hot tub experience. Enjoy!

By Danielle Adams

We live in a crazy world. Between deadlines, meetings, and all the other commitments in our lives, we can run ourselves ragged trying to get everything done. In the midst of our hectic lives, finding time to relax, unwind, and unplug is important not only to our mental health, but also to our physical and emotional health as well.

For many, finding time to unplug and relax is easier said than done. However, it can be done. Schedule in some “me time” —even if it’s just for 5 minutes—each day to release stress and tension and reconnect with your inner calm.

To get you started, here are 5 things to begin doing today:





Meditation. Studies have shown that by adding meditation in your daily habits (even just a few minutes) can help you reduce stress and quiet the mind. Through meditation, you can begin to ease anxiety, depression, and anger—along with other emotions which can increase stress levels.


Gratitude Journal:

Gratitude Journal:

Gratitude journal. In the classic film, White Christmas, Bing Crosby sings about what he does when he can’t sleep. In that song, his best piece of advice is to “count your blessings,” and he makes an excellent point. The busier our lives become, it’s easy to forget to be thankful for all the little blessings in our lives. Take a moment each night before you go to bed to write down 10-15 things you’re thankful for that happened throughout the day. Perhaps it was your spouse taking out the trash, a smile from a stranger, or the simple fact that you survived another day. As you shift your thoughts from what’s wrong with your life to what you love about your life, the less stressed you’ll feel.



Give back to the community. Another excellent way to reduce stress in your life is to take some time to give back to your community. This doesn’t have to be huge and time consuming—volunteer at a local shelter, anonymously pay for someone’s meal at a restaurant, or help out your neighbor by bringing in their trash can. The key is to turn the focus off you and your problems for a while and help someone else out.


Hang out with friends or family. We’ve all heard the saying, “laughter is the best medicine,” and it’s true. Take some time each week to reconnect with your friends or family for a night of fun and laughter. Research has shown those who have a positive support group around them can reduce stress, live longer, improve their mental health, and much more.


Hydrotherapy. This ancient practice has been used for thousands of years to help treat muscle pain, reduce stress, and improve your mental and emotional health. Because prolonged stress can lead to cardiovascular problems, depression, and high blood pressure, soaking in warm water can do a lot to help you relax.

Not only is hydrotherapy great at soothing the body, mind, and soul, but it also gives you a moment to reconnect with your spouse as well. Enjoy a quiet night soaking in your hot tub where you can have deeper, more meaningful conversations without the constant interruptions from your phone and other electronics.


Take the Personality Quiz

Take the Personality Quiz

Making it your own: This is a space you’ll want to feel comfortable in, so take time to create an area for your hot tub where you’ll feel comfortable and can fully relax. Include your  personality in your hot tub choice and have fun with the landscape design.

Stress can be detrimental to your health, and because of that, it’s critical to find ways to unwind and release the stresses of the day. Incorporate some of these 5 practices into your daily habits to take the weight of the day off your shoulders and reconnect with your inner self.

About the Author: Danielle Adams is a freelance writer who works with When she’s not writing, Danielle enjoys spending time doing yoga, exploring the world around her, and spending time with friends.




There’s a reason Bullfrog Spas distributors like Best Hot Tubs wear T-shirts that say “relax.” Relaxation is the very business we’re in.